This is not a bio.
If it were, it would begin with “I am a funky dancer”. I really like to get involved with stuff that matters. I also need professional stimulation.
Search and Convert – since 2016 I’ve been running this practice bringing together SEO, SEM, and reporting into one sales and marketing relationship. It’s been fun. I still love running ads.
Search And Convert AI – In 2024 it’s clear that a new kind of marketing leader is needed. Becoming this marketing leader is the challenge of my career.
My social media brand – meh, it isn’t the most important thing in the world for me to be recognized or to have approval. People tell me I have good ideas. I can be kind of weird. I’ll pull for the underdog every time.
Outside of that I think my music is just as interesting.

You can find my solo release “Being Peter Christie” on the streaming services
You can find my noteworthy 90’s band “Sardina” on the streaming services
And I’ve got Pipes and the Loungepunks on Youtube.